Health Insurance

Health is the best wealth.

Protect yourself with a range of insurance that covers all dimensions of your health.

For all ages.

Lusitania's "Sorriso Garantido" insurance is designed for everyone to smile about. There's no age limit for enrollment or retention. This dental insurance is free for children up to 9 years old who are included in their parents' insurance.

Nothing beats a great smile.

We aim for smiles of excellence. by providing access to a specialised network of AdvanceCare Dentistry, offering high quality services in the Iberian Peninsula with no limit on the benefit amount.

Smile, it's ready to use.

This dental insurance doesn't require medical formalities for acceptance and is ready to be used immediately. Just subscribe and start using it.
Como acionar o seu Seguro de Saúde?

How to make a claim.

Find out how to manage your health insurance, and how to make a claim.

Play it safe.

Explore our insurance and protection solutions and be prepared for any unforeseen event.

Protect yourself from any unforeseen event.

To apply for a health insurance, talk to us or visit us at one of our branches.

CAIXA ECONÓMICA MONTEPIO GERAL, caixa econômica bancário, S.A., headquartered at Rua Castilho, nº5, 1250-066 Lisbon, with a share capital of 2,420 million euros, registered at the Commercial Registry Office of Lisbon under the unique registration number and tax identification 500792615, presented under the commercial name of Banco Montepio, it is registered with the Insurance and Pension Funds Supervisory Authority (ASF), since 21/01/2019, with the number of intermediary 419501349, in the category of Insurance Agent. Banco Montepio is authorized to carry out the insurance distribution activity, in the Life Insurance and Capitalization Operations Branch, of Lusitania Vida, Companhia de Seguros, S.A. and, in the Non-Life Branch, of Lusitania, Companhia de Seguros, S.A.  Banco Montepio may enter into contracts in the name and in the interest of Lusitania, Companhia de Seguros, S.A., under the terms of the powers conferred, does not receive insurance premiums, does not assume coverage of the contracted risks, as well as does not provide advisory services. Information and other registration details are available at


It does not dispense with the consultation of the legally required pre-contractual and contractual information.


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